Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 27, 2017

|世界走透透- Australia| 2016「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」(在世界的中心呼喊愛)- 寫在之前




因為是一個人旅行,所以參加當地旅行團(local tour)便是我想都不需多想的首選。旅行目標與方式一旦決定,剩下的就只是執行面細節的問題。

參考過很多背包客的心得,多數是選擇北領地和阿德萊德之間串連的玩法(雖然花費時間較長,但相對便宜也可以玩比較多地方),但由於我的時間有限,所以仍然決定直接搭機飛往烏魯魯。過去在虎航還沒有停飛愛麗絲泉(Alice Spring)之前,多數搭機的人會選擇艾麗絲泉作為進出的城市。然而由於現在飛往烏魯魯/愛麗絲泉的主要班級為捷星(Jet Star)和澳洲航空(Qantas),飛往鄰近烏魯魯的艾爾斯岩(Ayers Rocks)反倒不見得會比飛距離烏魯魯仍有6小時車程之遠的愛麗絲泉貴多少。既然我的目標很明確是參觀烏魯魯,就決定直接飛往艾爾斯岩(Ayers Rocks)啦!

(2)Local Tour
班機搞定,接下來就只剩選擇當地旅行團。對於outback experience有莫名憧憬的我,一開始就決定只考慮camping tour(不過烏魯魯畢竟是著名觀光勝地,不管是想要體驗的是『富人式』旅行方式,或是非camping tour但相對也很經濟實惠的自駕郵,也是有很多不同選擇可以全方位滿足觀光客的需求)。


多方比較後,我選擇了Mulgas四天三夜的Rock to Rock Tour(註:當時透過其他travel agent訂購比在Mulgas官網上優惠,所以我不是在官網訂的)。

Mulgas's Rock to Rock Tour
Day 1 
We’ll pick you up from the Ayers Rock Airport, then head to the Cultural Centre for lunch and an insight into the flora, fauna and local Aboriginal culture of the Red Centre.  After lunch you have the chance to walk around this amazing monolith.  We then head off to watch the spectacular Uluru sunset while enjoying a glass of bubbly.  Then we head to our camp to enjoy a delicious meal.  Later, get into your swag for a perfect view of the outback stars.
L/D included
Day 2 
Uluru & Kata Tjuta
An early start to watch an Uluru sunrise, afterwards we explore the many domes of Kata Tjuta as we hike through the Valley of the Winds.  We then head back to the base of Uluru for a cultural walk with your guide.  After lunch we begin our drive to Kings Creek Station to camp for the night and enjoy a real outback BBQ dinner around the campfire.
B/L/D included
Day 3 
Kings Canyon
Today we take on the mighty Kings Canyon with a hike around the rim.  It’s then back to Kings Creek Station where you have the option of riding on a camel, helicopter or quad bike (at own expense).  We then head off to our private bush camp at Curtain Springs Station where you can enjoy sunset views of Mt Connor and your last night under the outback stars.
B/L/D included
Day 4 
It’s a relaxed start to the day as we enjoy a cooked breakfast.  We then make one last photo stop before dropping you at the airport around 10.30am.
B included

Mulgas's Rock to Rock Tour 選之因:
1. 行程開始/結束的點都是在Ayers Rock,非常適合往返機票都是購買Ayers Rock的我
2. 價格相對其他不同點進出,但要改成同一點進出的旅行團來的便宜
3. 整個行程在第四天早上就結束,代表我還有半天的時間可以充裕的留在艾爾斯岩度假村內

決定了local tour,等同於我的『在世界中心呼喊愛』夢想已經實踐了80%,畢竟我只停留在艾爾斯岩5天4夜的時間,但參團就會用掉4天3夜,代表我只要再自己搞定最後一晚的住宿跟行程就可以了 ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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